
Have a nice stay!

Happy 2016 from Phyllis and Ken!

2015 is wrapping up on a high note.  This year I have:

  1. Written nearly 2 complete novels. collagebook
  2. Moved back to the school where I started my career.
  3. My youngest child turned 18.
  4. I started dating.
  5. I totally got engaged!!!wpid-screenshot_2015-10-08-07-17-49-1
  6. I started a blog.
  7. I bought a tiny camper to live in with my fiance.11163953_10153716432422743_2846680185368979893_n.jpg
  8. I WON #NANOWRIMO!!!10457569_10153837523247743_443800171879580983_n
  9. I outlined 6 books. 
  10. I had the best Christmas ever!1888679_10153839685722743_4886910738238684728_n.jpg

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my posts. You have helped make this the best year of my life! I can't wait to see what 2016 brings!


Happy 2016 from Phyllis and Ken!

Top 10 things I'm doing instead of writing: