Happy Birthday to Me!
Grown Up Book Fair was a blast. The authors and attendees had fun, and the brewery saw a good turnout.
We learned a lot on the fly yesterday:
You shouldn’t count on your credit card device to work 100% of the time
There might be authors that will have to bail last minute
Bring plates and forks
Bring more change than you could ever possibly need
Crazy people gonna crazy
Walk the staging area a few times before committing to a set up
Eat before you start, because there won’t be time until after it’s over
Remember this is supposed to be fun
Our first GUBF was a success, and will expand on that success at our second event on October 26th at Public House Brewing in St. James, Missouri.
I’ll have a list of authors ready soon, and will share more information as it becomes available.
This was an awesome birthday! It was great to celebrate with so many creative people.