
Have a nice stay!

On Making and Breaking Goals

On Making and Breaking Goals

Yesterday, I sent my weekly goal list to the wrong person - persons actually. For a moment a I was embarrassed, but then I had a crazy thought.

The universe has now gifted me with several accountability partners. This will really keep my feet to the fire.

Flash forward to this morning when I woke up thinking about my first goal.
Walk to work 4/5 days

This seems like a simple enough goal. I work 9/10 of a mile away, the weather is mild, and I try to walk 10k steps a day anyway.

But, and this is a big but, I am scared of the dark! I know that as a grown ass woman there is nothing in the dark that isn’t there in the daylight, and that shit isn’t less scary. People are terrifying when you can see them, but in the dark they’re stealthier.

So, instead of waiting for the universe to hand me more accountability partners - I’ll enlist my own.

It’s you!

I know you didn’t sign up for this, but here we are. These are my long term and short term goals for this week.
Walk to work 4/5 days (Yeah, no.)

•Walk at least 10,000 steps per day

•No added sugar

•Eat under 1500 calories per day

• Less screen time

•Write Morning Pages each day

•Read through WIP, and start edits

• Focus. Breathe. Be present.

• Wrap Christmas presents

• Update website

• Update blog (Boom! Updated)

• Post about December Grown Up Book Fair

• Deep clean house

• Finish 2Moons 1River

• Find a kick ass agent

• Publish My Mother Road

Thankful AF

Thankful AF

Fall 2019 Goals

Fall 2019 Goals