
Have a nice stay!

Thankful AF

Thankful AF

Well, here we are, Mid-November. The leaves have fallen, the Sun has ghosted us, and Mercury is still In freaking retrograde. You can consider this your obligatory thankfulness post.

This year, I have a lot to be thankful for, and if you’re reading this then you are at the top of that list. I’m so grateful for you: the people that believe in me, the people that buy my books, and the people that tell me when I’m fangirling a little too hard.

I’m so grateful for my husband and children, and my family, both far and near. My grandson, Taggert, is the light of my soul, and he really is the best - even when he’s being the worst.

2020 is coming up fast, and this is going to be an amazing year. Things are getting better every day. I’m so happy that you are along for the ride.

Photo by Nicole Jane Photography

Happy Thanksgiving from PhyllisYork.com.png
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

On Making and Breaking Goals

On Making and Breaking Goals