
Have a nice stay!

Why I'm not famous yet and other lies I tell myself

Why I'm not famous yet and other lies I tell myself

Writing a novel is hard. Finishing that novel is the apotheosis of months or years of work. Take a moment to revel in the persistence you’ve shown. That’s enough. Don’t be a narcissist. The fact is, there is no true completion in writing. There is just a point where you throw your hands up and walk away.

After you finish your writing project the real work begins.

  • Celebrate your win on social media

  • Read and revise

  • Edit

  • Explain to your friends and family via social media about why your book isn’t published yet

  • Read and revise again and again until you need glasses

  • Beta testing

  • Update social media about why there is still no book available

  • Read your beta analysis

  • Revise with beta analysis complete

  • Edit one last time

  • Get glasses

  • Post on social media that you are now querying, and hope a highly connected agent follows you on Instagram

  • Begin agent submissions

  • Wine

  • Cry and cut your hair

  • Check your email 5 times per minute until you get an ulcer

  • Drink a bottle of wine when you see how much time and money you spent bringing your darling to life

  • Explain to your family over Thanksgiving the detailed reasons why you haven’t received a 6 figure offer yet, and why you think bangs were a good idea

  • Begin receiving agent feedback

  • Revise and resubmit

  • Drink and try to will your hair to grow back

  • Post about how happy you are on Instagram while wearing a Panama hat

This is as far as I’ve made it into marketing My Mother Road. Hopefully I’ll have better news for you soon.

We're off to the races...

We're off to the races...

